Whether in small groups, prayer vigils, or as part of Sunday's worship - we come together to worship God in joyful praise. 

We meet for Worship every Sunday at 10:00am. You can describe our Worship as musical - we sing traditional hymns, led by our Chancel Choir, contemporary Christian music led by a small house ensemble, and we have an active Handbell Choir.

We are Scripture based. Our Pastor preaches a sermon each week. The sermon provides the theme for the rest of the service. We are Liturgical. We pray in unison, responsively, sing the doxology and pray the Lord's Prayer together. There are opportunities for people of all ages the lead Worship. Liturgy means "the work of the people". When we worship, God is the audience, and everyone has a part to play. 

"My heart is ready, O God; my heart is ready, And I will sing! Yes, I will sing praise!" Psalm 57:7


Our worship is... PERSONAL, rooted in a deep and authentic relationship with God.

Our worship is... JOYFUL, connecting us with the privilege we share of doing God's work and reflecting God's light and love on those around us, every day.

Our worship is... INCLUSIVE, welcoming into our community and into the full life and Christian ministry of this church persons of every race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, family structure, faith background, economic circumstance, mental and physical ability.

Our worship is... RELEVANT, connecting us to the world as it is, not a world set apart, and giving us the tools we need to walk in Jesus' way and be led by the Holy Spirit wherever we are.