ADULT ministries

Life is not meant to be lived alone. Our small groups are a great place to enjoy growth in our relationship with God and build relationships with each other, through connection, study, friendship, prayer, encouragement and challenge.

Groups come in all shapes and sizes - singles, couples, men, women, kids, no kids - whether we meet at church or in someone's home, no matter where you are in life, there's a group for you.

"For wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20

Study groups

Study groups meet over a period of several weeks, discussing a book or Bible study with a particular focus. Past studies have included:

  • The Well
  • No Fuss Book Group
  • Book study on Open and Affirming subjects
  • Sign language (coming soon!)
  • Advent devotions
  • The G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) discussion group
  • And more!

Please contact the church office to find out more about our current small group studies.

Community Groups

Community groups are drop-in (come once or come often) groups that meet regularly for food, fellowship, and discussion based on a core topic or sermon series. 

Discussions have included: 

  • Mens' Breakfasts (second Saturday of each month)
  • Grief support group
  • Ongoing Women's Fellowship and Men's Groups

join a small group!

Adult small groups come in all shapes and sizes. Interested in finding the right one? Contact us to find out more!