Worldwide Missions

We are part of a global community, and serve not only with the practical help we can offer around the world - in Haiti, Tibet, and more - but also in our responsibility to protecting our earth and its natural resources.

"My commandment to you is this: love others as I have loved you." John 15:12

our global community

Over the last several years, we have sent teams of youth and adults to serve in Costa Rica, Haiti and St. Vincent in the Caribbean.

  • We have partnered with Heartline Ministries in Haiti to support a maternity center and a children's school.
  • We assembled "Solar Buddies" light kits, and sent them to remote areas of the Dominican Republic without electricity, so children can read and study after dark.
  • Our Sunday School has held book sales to benefit Hands Across the Sea, an organization that fights illiteracy in the Caribbean by providing books and literacy for children throughout the area.
  • With Hands Across the Sea, a team of 18 youth and adults traveled to St Vincent, helping to create two beautiful library spaces for our friends at Cane End Government Primary School and Troumaca Primary School.
  • Along with the broader United Church of Christ (UCC), our church participates in the annual "One Great Hour of Sharing" raising funds to help provide sources of clean water, food, emergency relief, advocacy and resettlement for refugees and displaced persons worldwide.
  • We also collect two other Special Mission Offerings for the UCC - "Neighbors in Need" and "Strengthen the Church"


We love our earth, and believe in doing our part to protect its natural resources. Whether it is through participation in advocacy groups and environmental justice actions, or things as simple as paper and electronics recycling drives, we strive to preserve this most precious gift of God.

  • We participate in by marching in climate change awareness walks, hosting environmental work parties, encouraging our church members with environmental tips for our own homes, encouraging tree planting, and much more.
  • Members of our church leadership participated in the People's Climate March